Student: Why I called for Central Park Five prosecutor’s removal

Ava DuVernay's new miniseries "When They See Us" depicts the powerful story of how the justice system failed the Central Park Five. The five teenagers' convictions for the brutal assault and rape on Trisha Meili, known at first in 1989 only as the "Central Park jogger," were vacated in 2002. The miniseries has prompted a powerful response and renewed calls for accountability for those involved in the wrongful prosecution of the Five -- including the petition I made to remove Linda Fairstein from the Vassar board of trustees. Fairstein, who as chief of the district attorney's sex crimes unit oversaw the prosecution of the Central Park Five and who graduated from Vassar in 1969, has now resigned. I think it's vital to explain why, even after decades have gone by, holding people accountable in this case matters a great deal.

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