Will.I.Am Lost 20 Pounds Doing THIS!

Good job, will.i.am!

Recently, the Black Eyed Peas band member spoke to Arianna Huffington on her Thrive Global podcast where he revealed he lost 20 pounds after adopting a regular sleep schedule, AND a plant-based diet!

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Last year, the musician hit 210 pounds because of poor sleep habits, which caused him to overeat and binge on processed foods. He revealed:

"I was going to sleep around 5:00 in the morning... I would argue with people like, 'All I need is like two hours a day.' Like, boom, a catnap and a catnap and I'm just ready to go."'

Unfortunately, this lifestyle led to a whole slew of health issues including "acid reflux" and "nasal drip."

"I was creating different types of disorders... And starting with my high blood pressure and my cholesterol… I had acid reflux, nasal drip… When you have so much acid in you that means your body is fighting off inflammation and mucus and that is a toxic environment that leads to other diseases."

Eventually, the artist cut out meat, sugar, and processed foods from his diet, and went "plant-based" which completely "changed [his] life."

"I switched my regimen, went plant-based and it changed my life. I lost 20 lbs... My cholesterol came down, my high blood pressure came down. My stress levels came down naturally. I have more energy. My sleep regimen is awesome."

He added:

"It changed my life, and I would encourage everybody to have a plant-based regimen... You don't need the meat, you don't need to have decaying flesh in your body. The more I think about it I was like, 'Ew.' I was just, I had death in me. Decayed flesh and crazy chemicals I can't pronounce. You wouldn't put that s**t in your car."

Keep up the good work, dude!

[Image via JRP/WENN.]

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