This invasive 20-pound rodent could devastate California's agriculture industry

Non-native nutria have made their way to the Golden State, and Californians are rushing to find…

5 slimy facts that will change how you look at banana slugs forever

Far from being gross, the slime of a banana slug is a marvel of nature.

This is why they call Ireland the 'Emerald Isle'

The Irish countryside is a patchwork quilt of green, as this photo of Roughgrange, a farm…

Meet the millipede that uses cyanide as self-defense

Millipedes are poison-filled arthropods that are surprisingly essential to the health of conifer forests in the…

Africa's rarest carnivores face threats from disease-carrying dogs

Scientists hope a new vaccination campaign will give Ethiopian wolves a fighting chance at survival.

For this beautiful bird, life is better with zygodactyl feet

If a bird has zygodactyl feet, that means two toes point forward and two point back.…

Surprising facts about how animals sleep

Sea otters hold hands so they don't float away during naps, and baby dolphins don't sleep…

How to learn bird language in 5 steps

Listening to birds reveals a lot about what's happening around you, including what other wildlife is…

5 questions you should ask yourself before taking a selfie with an animal

The barrage of Darwin Award-worthy and just plain cruel animal selfie photos in the news is…

Turret spiders build tiny towers for hunting unsuspecting prey

Turret spiders, the minuscule relatives of tarantulas, pack a powerful punch for any insect venturing close…